Dalí Theatre and Museum
Face of Mae West Which Can Be Used as an Apartment, 1974
Project for "Labyrinth", 1941
The Dalí Theatre and Museum, is a museum dedicated to the artist Salvador Dalí in his home town of Figueres, in Catalonia. Salvador Dalí is buried in a crypt below the stage.
The museum displays the single largest and most diverse collection of works by Salvador Dalí, the core of which was from the artist's personal collection. In addition to Dalí paintings from all decades of his career, there are Dalí sculptures, three-dimensional collages, mechanical devices, and other curiosities from Dalí's imagination. A highlight is a three-dimensional anamorphic living-room installation with custom furniture that looks like the face of Mae West when viewed from a certain spot.

Date: June 2022
Additional information: wikipedia